Bob La Londe
2025-02-19 00:09:06 UTC
I've got a few electric winches, and a couple trailers suitable for
making use of them to haul vehicles and such. The thing is none of them
are really setup for it. The little tandem axle flat bed had a receiver
tube welded on the tongue for a draw bar mounted winch, and I added a
similar type contraption to the bigger goose neck trailer. You might
recall I bragged about my well rounded master of no trades ability
hauling a couple full size 3/4 ton trucks on the goose neck last year.
Well both trailers have been used to haul vehicles and in most cases
they have been loaded with an 8oolb electric winch. The tractor just
drives right up the ramps on the goose neck, and my scissor lifts would
creep up the ramps on the low trailers after I made arched ramps for them.
I've decided to semi permanently mount the 8000lb winch on the low
trailer. I have more vehicles to move and the trailer will always have
more value with a 4 ton Warn on the front. I had a cheesy mount on it,
and it worked as I described above, but I decided to add a couple pieces
of C-channel inside the C-channel frame in the front for a nice clean
bolt through mount. The long term goal is to build a trailer tool box
around it after I have it all figured out, convert the trailer to a 7
pin plug for battery charging, and when I need to use it I can snatch a
couple deep cycles out of one of the boats. That way everything can be
covered and locked up, and right there when I need to go. I'll probably
even leave tie straps, chains, farm jack, and a few other things (like
the winch controller) in the box as well.
Well since you guys got me wound up I have spent most of the after noon
taking things apart, salvaging c-channel from a scrapped boat trailer,
cutting, grinding, and measuring just to get "prepared" to weld in one
piece of C-channel about 28 inches long. The other piece is already
As, I have been preparing my debacle I happened to look at the welds on
the piece of C-Channel already there. Okay. I'm not sure it qualifies
as a UBS weld other than they haven't broken. Ugly But Strong? No.
Snot weld that miraculously didn't break would be more accurate.
The nice thing having the now mostly defunct draw bar mount for the
winch is it will make a great template for the bolt holes to mount the
inch. Well, that and I can cut the front plate out and weld it to
trailer to mount the fair lead. Not sure where exactly yet. The front
of the bed frame would be easiest, but In front of the bed might be
better if a little more work.
Well, now I need to wander back outside and mark that piece of channel
for cutting to fit.
Bob La Londe
CNC Molds N Stuff
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Bob La Londe
CNC Molds N Stuff
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